Everything can turn into real chaos if you do not know how to divide yourself between creating, selling, delivering, testing and even managing financial activities. If you identified with this situation, you should know that the right proposal significantly increases the chances of conquering new clients and improves your credibility, as it highlights the true value of your work. Do you want to know how to write an interior design proposal?
Talk to the customer
First, you must know the customer’s expectations, what he needs for that moment. So schedule a meeting if necessary. When consulting the company’s website or blog, gather a briefing with information relevant to the conversation, such as mission, values and area of activity.
Identify the target audience
To prepare a proposal for improvement, it is necessary to know the lifestyle of the end user, observing points such as age, gender, work, consumption habits, etc. Also, consider issues such as your daily concerns, questions, and aspirations. It will help you to identify what are the desirable characteristics for your design project, such as what material to use, the texture, shapes, colors, etc.
Define the requirements
To facilitate the targeting of your proposal, understand the dimension of the project requested by the client. A redesign project might be entirely new or with minimal tweaks. According to the project’s emphasis, list which materials and resources are available and which will be needed to achieve the final objective of the proposal. In the case of a visual identity, a logo, business card, folders, should be considered.
Present the ideal solution
The solution must focus on practical applications, with usage environments and future projections. Reinforce its advantages by pointing out statistics and success cases. To expose your idea to the client, it ranges from bombastic presentations to a written mini-portfolio. Download Foyr Neo 3D interior design software, and present a glimpse of the project in 3D to your customer. The point here is not complexity. Sometimes, to win a customer, all you need is a simple presentation.
Set deadlines
The schedule is essential to organize the tasks necessary to carry out the proposal, as well as to keep the client informed about the work. After discovering the available deadlines, the ideal is always to add a time to prevent any unforeseen. Higher impact projects require planning and complete dedication in specific steps. Therefore, your cost will be higher. Also, establish an expiration date for the proposal, as these goals were based only on the needs of that specific moment.
Develop the visual repertoire
The mood boards visually organize all informational research, serving as inspiration for the creative development of a new proposal. They can be grouped into target audience lifestyle, product expression, materials, colors, similar products, and others. These panels are also a great option to explain the concept of your proposal to the client.
Determine your own roadmap
Each designer has the freedom to build a proposal according to his or her requirements. For this reason, there is no universal roadmap for creating it. You need to carry out collaborative work between you and your client.